Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rain Rain Rain

It has rained everyday since I have been here. All everyone keeps saying is that it NEVER rains here.....well, I have yet to see sunshine. But hopefully we will see the sun soon. Here is what I did today:

6:00 am Total Body Conditioning
7:00 Breakfast (honestly, I cannot remember what I ate)
8:00 Hike
11:15 Circuit Class
12:45 Lunch (french onion soup, salad, and half filled pita)
1:15 Cooking Demo
2:30 Ball Works
3:30 Treading
4:30 Circuit w/ Weights
5:45 Dinner
6:15 Menu Planning

So, Access Hollywood was here filming today. it was neat to be a part of that experience. The word is that it may air Tuesday, but that is not confirmed just yet. I was in two of the filming shots, so there is a small chance I may be on tv....

Today I could tell that I was getting stronger. Everything is still really hard, but I could tell during my hike today that I did better than just a few days ago. Everyone here says you will be amazed at how much stronger and more fit you will be just after one week....I guess we will have to see....

I am so tired right I am going to get ready for bed. Thanks once again for your prayers and words of encouragement!



  1. This is GREAT!!! You crack me up!

  2. Wow. Thats funny! at least your havin fun!

