Saturday, February 13, 2010

Last Day

Well, today is my last day here at The Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge. I can't get over how fast these past four weeks have flown by. Even though it has been hard, I have had a great time. Well, here are my results: I lost exactly 30.2 pounds in 4 weeks, and right at 20 inches. It is more than I needless to say I am pleased. But now the real journey begins: DOING IT AT HOME!!

I have learned so many things while being here at the BLR at FR:

1. Healthy food gets stuck in your teeth much more than fried chicken and french fries.
2. It's simple: eat less, move more (but as most of us know, its not so simple)
3. You will not die on 1200 calories per day.
4. I am capable of so much more than I ever dreamed.
5. "Get comfortable with being uncomfortable"
6. Relaxation is necessary for a balanced lifestyle....and its ok
7. The word 'funner' is not a word
8. I can do anything with the power and grace of God...ANYTHING

I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity. Thank you all for your constant prayers and words of encouragement. I would not have made it here without them both.

This is my last post for now. I may post about my journey at home.....but I am not making any promises :)

Thank you all again!



  1. CONGRATULATIONS WOO-HOO! I think that is the highest number I have read about for anyone. Way to go! Best of luck on your continued journey at home. Thanks for the blogs.
    God bless!!

  2. Thanks Marla for your faithful posts. Your numbers were great, but you also sounded like you really didn't let this oppurtunity slip by without giving it your all. From Robin's post you had a great time together and lots of fun along your journey. May daughter arrives next Sunday for a month, she will be thrilled with your numbers. Good luck and thanks again for the blog. Paulette

  3. you go, girl! I am praying for you as you go back home and apply what you've learned to life there!! Maybe we can talk soon.
    I'm sure you're wathching the Olympics and saying, "I used to live there!" It's awesome, eh?! Just warms my heart...

    Maybe you can keep blogging...

  4. Congrats to a strong finish at the resort this month. I just found your blog tonight and look forward to reading through your posts over the past few weeks, and the coming weeks as you find ways to continue your journey. I began mine after Thanksgiving and will be at Fitness Ridge July 24th and can't wait! It'll only be a week but it will be one well worth it week.

    Stay strong.
